| 1. | I won't air your dirty linen in public . 我不会轻易揭别人的短。 |
| 2. | Dirty linen should be washed in private, as napoleon used to say . 拿破仑说过,脏衣服得躲在家里洗。 |
| 3. | We'll talk about it when the guests have gone. let's not wash our dirty linen in public . 咱们还是莫把家丑外扬,这件事等客人走后再说吧! |
| 4. | Even if we aired his dirty linen i think he'd prefer minor martyrdom to talking, betraying his vows . 既使我们把他的丑事张扬出去,我想他也会宁肯吃点苦头也不愿违背自己的誓言而开口。 |
| 5. | He is curiously secretive for one who, according to some of his contemporary reviewers, liked to wash his dirty linen in public . 在他那个时代,有些批评家说他最喜欢宣扬家五,果真如此,他又显得过于躲躲闪闪了。 |
| 6. | Don ' t wash your dirty linen in public 不要在公共场所洗你的脏内衣 |
| 7. | Wash your dirty linen at home 谚家丑不可外扬。 |
| 8. | Tom is a drug addict , but the family never air its dirty linen in public 汤姆吸毒成瘾,但他全家人对此守口如瓶。 |
| 9. | In a lifetime 22 workmen will have examined the contents of your dirty linen basket 一生当中会有22个工人偷偷翻过你放脏内衣裤的篮子。 |
| 10. | Mr . green quarrelled with his wife last night . he said she seemed to enjoy washing their dirty linen in public 格林先生昨晚同他的太太吵了一架。他说他太太好像把在公众场合谈论家里的私事作为一种乐趣。 |